Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. GEN. OMAR N. BRADLEY'S SPEECH, WASHINGTON, D.C


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. GEN. OMAR N. BRADLEY'S SPEECH, WASHINGTON, D.C


From his Pentagon desk the Chairman of the JCOFS sends greetings to the people of the Hawaiian Islands on occasion of Armed Forces Day of 1952. He lauds their tremendous interest in the military functions of the nation and their important role in its defense. He expresses pride at the accomplishments of Hawaii's fighting men and expresses the hope that the next Armed Forces Day will find the world at peace.

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